With the blessing of Sant Attar Singh Ji Maharaj the Akal Academy Bhadaur celebrated the 311 Martyr day of Mata Gujri and Sahibzaade of Guru Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The students of different classes participated in this programme. Kavishri, Dhaddi vaars related to the martyrdom of Chhote Sahibzade were performed by the students. Speeches […]

With the blessing of Sant Attar Singh Ji Maharaj the Akal Academy Bhadaur celebrated the 311 Martyr day of Mata Gujri and Sahibzaade of Guru Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

The students of different classes participated in this programme. Kavishri, Dhaddi vaars related to the martyrdom of Chhote Sahibzade were performed by the students.

Speeches were delivered by the students. At the end, the students participated in a skit which highlighted the pious life history of Guru Sahib. How Guru Gobind Singh Ji left Anandpur Sahib? How their family parted ways on the edge of river Sarsa? How they were offered all the riches and luxuries to embrace Islam?

How children of such young age had the, courage, bravery and focus to refuse the promise of many lavish gifts and a future of cosy comforts of royalty that were being offered by the Mughals if they abandoned their faith against the other stark option of a brutal, painful and tragic death entombed within a wall of bricks and mortar.

Ms. Gurdeep Kaur, the Principal Ma’am appreciated the students for their active participation to present the religious programme that imbibed the sikh values & tightened their grip over sikhi.

– Tapasleen Kaur

This programme was organized by Amul House in the sweet memory of brave Sahibzaade of Guru sahib portraying an intense emotional connection.