Air is the Guru, Water is the Father, and Earth is the Great Mother of all. ~ Guru Nanak Dev Ji

The Kalgidhar Society has always taken the initiative to keep the environment clean and green and the large solar energy plants are proof of this. Multiple initiatives taken by the Society, such as Solar energy plants, waste management and plantation drives speak volumes about the commitment of the organization towards the environment and saving Mother Earth.

Akal Academy Reeth Kheri Solar

Going Green with
Solar in Rural Villages

Contributing to the environment, The Kalgidhar Society adopted 1.7MWp of Solar energy generating plants in its Akal Academies for curbing more than forty thousands MT of carbon emissions. Solar cooking plant catering to the food preparation for 5500 persons at Baru Sahib have contributed a lot in creating a cleaner and greener environment.

Today, Baru Sahib campus is ALSO CALLED AS SOLAR VILLAGE.

0 MWp
Total Solar Plant Capacity
0 Lakhs of Units
Total Annual Energy Generation
0 Ltrs/day
Capacity of Solar Water Heater
0 Persons/day
Capacity of Solar Cooking System
Savings of LPG Cylinders per year
0 mt
Reducing Carbon Emission (in next 25 years)
Going Green with Solar in Rural Punjab
Play Video about Going Green with Solar in Rural Punjab

Most Cleanest Village
of Himachal Pradesh

Waste management has become a major concern today in India. But this small village panchayat named Lana Bhalta in Himachal Pradesh under the guidance of Baru Sahib has solved this menacing issue. 
Under the guidance of Baru Sahib, they are recycling and reusing every possible waste material and have emerged one of the cleanest village of Himachal Pradesh
Lana Bhalta panchayat Clean Village
Play Video about Lana Bhalta panchayat Clean Village



Panchayat Lana Bhalta (Baru Sahib), Himachal Pradesh received Bharat Mission Award For Cleanliness and Hygiene at State Level


MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) Honours Baru Sahib with the Solar Award for the Solar Projects at Baru Sahib.

UNDP Award


United Nations Development Programme & Punjab Planning Dept. Bestow ‘SDG Action Award’ to The Kalgidhar Trust for Integration, Convergence, Joint Action & Holistic Solution Approach in Rural Education

teri Envis Compendium


Largest Solar Energy Project in Rural Institutions by The Kalgidhar Society - A Case Study by TERI ENVIS

Better India


The covers the story "20 Inspiring Villages Giving Life to India's Vision for a Self-Reliant Future” where-in they mentioned Lana Bhalta (Baru Sahib), Himachal Pradesh, is a canon for waste management in Rural India.

Tree Plantation
in Rural Villages

Students of Akal Academies are shouldering their responsibilities towards nature and contributing their bit towards a green environment.

Tree Plantation drive is conducted each year in all Akal Academies. The students plant saplings of fruits, flower-bearing trees and also shade-giving trees.

The motto of this drive is to educate kids to Plant a Tree and follow the principle of “Green Earth, Clean Earth!


Studies show that Trees absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. A very interesting research also proved that those Kids who plant trees, eat more vegetables and scored about 12% higher on academic tests, compared with those who didn’t.

Become a part of Sustainable Future Education

Sponsor a Solar Plant and help educate Underprivileged Rural Children*

*(10 KWp of Solar Plant helps in saving Rs. 1.2 lakhs per year which results in educating 4 children till their schooling)