Short Animation Movie reflecting upon the life of Bhai Subeg Singh & Bhai Shahbaz Singh was shown on smart boards to Students of Akal Academy, Daula according to their monthly activity calendar. The movie showcases an amazing chapter of Sikh history highlighting how Bhai Subeg Singh Ji imparted both worldly and spiritual wisdom to his […]

Short Animation Movie reflecting upon the life of Bhai Subeg Singh & Bhai Shahbaz Singh was shown on smart boards to Students of Akal Academy, Daula according to their monthly activity calendar.

Student Activities at Akal Academy Daula

The movie showcases an amazing chapter of Sikh history highlighting how Bhai Subeg Singh Ji imparted both worldly and spiritual wisdom to his son Bhai Shahbaz Singh Ji. The martyrdom of the father son duo is an inspiration for Sikh children.

~ Tapasleen kaur
~ New Delhi, 13th Oct ’15