What have you learnt from your time as the head of Institution?
Though I have recently charge as the head of institution but have ample experience of working as head of several departments in the school administrative hierarchy. I have been a member of school based social groups. Being head of the institution I prefer problem sharing mechanism and involve work force to amiably solve the targeted issues and concerns.
What characterizes the students graduating from your Institution?
The students who pass out from our institutions get a worthy place outside. We prefer to mould individuals into academically stronger, ethically responsible and spiritually enlightened. We regularly remain in touch with our learners and their parents. Our institutions involve students in community service that helps to turn them into responsible inviduals towards family, society community and nation as well.
3. What would you say makes the learning environment extra special at your
We prepare our learners for better life by giving them a very conducive environment. We prefer individual attention on each learner. We offer multiple learning experiences and willing to do tasks those children whole heartedly show their eagerness to participate. Learning by doing is the mool mantra of our institutions.We gives them a enjoyable learning experiences.
4. Which features of the Institution do parents value the most?
Our institutions follow the dictum as laid down by Guru Nanak Dev Ji centuries ago. We firmly follow three Updesh preached and self practiced by Nanak Dev Ji and by His follower Gurus. These are ‘Kirat kario’, means Earn an honest, pure and dedicated living by exercising God-given skills, abilities, talents. ‘Naam Japo’, Refers to the meditation, vocal singing of Hymns specially the chanting of the word Waheguru, which means Wonderful Lord), ‘Vand chako’ means share what you have and to consume it together as a community. This could be wealth, food. etc)
5. What are the main principles and philosophies you promote at the Institution?
Our institution promote the culture of universal brotherhood, gender respect and equality, classless community that serve for the betterment of all living beings. We not only serve for quality education but for the well being through complete education of all children under our care.
6. How do you get children to do their best academically?
We provide them with very healthy learning environment through participation in the areas where they can do best. We cater to the learning needs and focus on learning by hands heart and mind. Our children remain confident, competitive, firm and vibrant. We enhance their learning step by step methodologies.
7. Which other areas of education and extracurricular activities are you developing?
We are currently working on an educational project ‘Scaffolding Slow Bloomers’ a giant initiative taken by our organization to cater to the learning needs of special students. We never segregate our learners into high or low achievers but we treat academically challenged learners as special case. We bring compromised learners into the mainstream. We have record success stories in this venture.
8. What is the best thing about leading your institution?
The best thing I like is the readiness of teaching-and learning community. We work as a team and share our concerns on several platforms through discussions and dialogues. We value work culture. Our organization is extremely supportive and people here work round the clock. We have strong administrative structure that work the best way and there is no issue that goes unattended at any level.
9. What would be your future plans for the Institution?
I want to see our institution at the pinnacle of success in all areas. Our future plans are to expand and spread best in us. I wish our learners to have a wonderful and smooth sailing across the world that needs its citizens to be aware, vigilant and sensitive towards world community at large.
10. What is your philosophy of leadership?
Try to turn every individual into a responsible Work force. Shun negativity and trust everyone who works for better.
11. Your advice to students reading this article.
Students must take a leaf out of it and do their best in their field. There is no shortcut to make a success story. No one should feel overworked rather enjoy doing your work in the best possible way as you can do. Success stories have no ending point as each day a new chapter added in it make it more exciting and wonderful.
-Ashok Guleria