Akal Academy, Dadehar Sahib held its annual function recently. The theme of the function was “Symphony of the senses”. Students enthralled everyone with their onstage performances, Shabad Gaayan, Punjabi Kavishri, Choreography, Dramatization. Spectacular Gatka performances was the main highlight of the show. There were also on-stage performances in the remembrance Of our Guru Sahibans and […]
Akal Academy, Dadehar Sahib held its annual function recently. The theme of the function was “Symphony of the senses”. Students enthralled everyone with their onstage performances, Shabad Gaayan, Punjabi Kavishri, Choreography, Dramatization.
Spectacular Gatka performances was the main highlight of the show. There were also on-stage performances in the remembrance Of our Guru Sahibans and Sahibzadas.
Staff and students of AA Dadehar Sahib imparted the message of Family values , Social values, Sikh Rehat maryada, and Self defence techniques through Gatka.
Every child has a unique quality inside so to bring out that hidden talent almost all the children of the academy were made to participate. Stage performance helps the children to remove stage fear and it brings confidence in them.
Exhilarating Exhibition by the students in which the working and non working models of Science, Models of Social studies, Art work and waste material utilization,Health and hygiene camp, Heritage of Punjab, Famous personalities was presented. A big Model of Baru Sahib was also showcased.
Along with these a Mini Trade fair was also organised. The entire programme was planned, conducted and coordinated by the students under the mentoring and grooming of teachers. The annual function is also platform to celebrate the success of the student achievers for the past session.
The annual function is also platform to celebrate the success of the student achievers for the past session.
The Guest of honour, of this function, Prof.Tejinderjit Singh Ji (Zonal Director ) and his wife have visited all stalls and and cabins of Exhibition ground. He interacted with the students and appreciated their work as a true “Symphony of the five senses” . He further added that the maximum participation was by the students of the junior classes .
He appreciated the efforts of imparting value-based education to the youth & thereby developing patriotic and service-oriented minds. The efforts by the staff members were evident in training these blooming buds. A colourful extravaganza and a grand spectacle was conducted to make the event a memorable one!
~ Tapasleen Kaur
~ New Delhi, 13th Jan ’16