On the rural outskirts of Ambala city, historical Gurdwara Sahib situated in village Panjokhra, recently organized an exclusive all-in-English event where rural school children participated in various contests like Sikhi-quiz, poem narration, recitation of Mool-mantra explaining its importance & contemplation in English.
In this first of its kind event, several Akal Academy students of village Majri, Dist. Ambala participated & received shields for their performances. The Gurdwara members reckoned the importance of the event, expressing how important it is for our youth to be able to understand the meaning of Gurbani, especially in the times when English is getting more prevalent a language amongst youth worldwide.
The authorities decided to encourage such events explaining to the students, the need to preserve the language of our heritage i.e. “Punjabi” alongside, whilst addressing the critical need of developing equivalent proficiency at the English language at the same time for efficient understanding, sharing the ideas of Sikhi at world level.
Learn more about the rural education revolution being brought about silently by The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib through a chain of 129 Akal Academies & support us in building more rural schools to save Punjab by Clicking Here
~Ramandeep Singh, Student
~New Delhi, 26th Aug 2013