Across Akal Academies, the Teachers are regarded as the very lifeline of our education system; the aspect of recruitment, hiring & event development of Teachers as per requirements of our Value-Based Education system is considered most crucial and critical for healthy nurturing of students. Over the schooling experience of past 27 years, having gained much […]
Across Akal Academies, the Teachers are regarded as the very lifeline of our education system; the aspect of recruitment, hiring & event development of Teachers as per requirements of our Value-Based Education system is considered most crucial and critical for healthy nurturing of students.
Over the schooling experience of past 27 years, having gained much experience in terms of identifying the best teaching techniques, acquiring in-depth knowledge, understanding about the special needs & skill set requirements to maintain high quality-standards of Value-Based education, the Kalgidhar Trust, by virtue of its matured existence, positioned itself to produce its own Teachers.
Working in parity with the charitable Trust’s Akal Institute of Rural Women Development, our Akal Academy has long been able to generate localized teachers by offering Free 3-5yrs Teacher Training Programs to both Akal Academy Alumni; and also to the localized Rural Women, who preliminarily go through a special ‘Free Bride-year course’ to become eligible for Professional Teacher Training Program.
The aspiring teachers are customized and trained on lines of the Akal Academy principles that seek to lay foundation for Noble & Upright character building for its students through teachers who double up as virtuous role-models, hence leading by example.
Besides the home production of Teachers, the Akal Academies also recruit best of teachers from across India, through strategically spread ‘Teacher Recruitment Points’ spread all over India.
Also, for the purpose of giving universal exposure to students & to facilitate exchange of teaching ideas &techniques with training faculties of foreign origins, ‘Guest Faculties’ & Volunteers from some of the most acclaimed universities around the World are regularly invited to Baru Sahib, who not only train the students but also transfer-exchange-share vital information on the latest, innovative & upcoming teaching techniques, trends & updates with our school teachers.
~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 11th Nov ’13
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