A small skit was prepared by the students of Akal Academy, Theh Kalandhar to highlight the drastic effects on pollution on the environment. The purpose behind the activity was to make the students aware of the disastrous effects of pollution. It is important for all of us to realize how precious our natural resources are […]

A small skit was prepared by the students of Akal Academy, Theh Kalandhar to highlight the drastic effects on pollution on the environment. The purpose behind the activity was to make the students aware of the disastrous effects of pollution.

It is important for all of us to realize how precious our natural resources are and we should do our best to help conserve them. This skit was dedicated to the same cause.

The skit demonstrated different sources of pollution and the ways we can together curb such environmental problems. It also highlighted the small acts which can be adopted on daily basis by every citizen in making our mother earth clean and green.
The rural kids staged a great performance and their efforts were highly appreciated by the principal.

The task of saving, preserving and improving the mother earth & environment stands integral to responsibility of these young world citizens, by the virtue of both – their faith & learning’s that are imbibed into them.

By influencing & motivating these young minds we can together cause rise up in creating the desired global change.

Such activities are conducted educate the students on environmental issues so that they become responsible citizens and future leaders.

-Tapasleen Kaur