Akal Academy Bhadaur organized Gurmat Quiz on the Birthday of Shri Guru Amardaas Ji from I to X class. It was held in the central corridor of block-A after a short break. The event was organized by the incharge of Atul house with great ease and comfort.
The judges gave the positions according to the student performances.
(Classes- I & II)
1st position – Ajay House
2nd position – Amul House
3rd position – Atul House
Classes- III to VI
1st position – Amul House
2nd position – Abhai House
3rd position – Ajay House
Classes VII to X
1st position – Amul House
2nd position – Abhai House
3rd position – Ajay House
The program met with its end with prize distribution. Respected Principal Madam gave prizes to the position holders & 100% attendance of session 2013-14 and the students who got positions in this competition. It was a great moment for them while their faces cheered up while taking prizes.
~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 28th may ’14