Let's Together Build India's First​

Value Based Education

Chain Of Rural Transformation

One who works for what he eats, and gives some of what he has, O Nanak, he knows the Path.

SGGS (Ang – 1245)

There is more than one way you can support this initiative to enable RE continue maintaining & expanding its activities to more villages & achieve our mission. You can offer support in general or for a specific cause through means of CSR Funds, Finance, Products, Time, Shared Sources, Technology, Relationship or any other way you can suggest.

Social Responsibility

The Kalgidhar Society invites all companies – from small businesses to large corporations – to partner with our programs to help make a difference. Contributions from the corporate sector would allow The Kalgidhar Society to provide the value based education to the rural underprivileged and other humanitarian services to the people we serve. Make your company more admirable and liked in the community and, hence, more profitable and a better entity with the blessings of the Divine.

We will tailor our partnership with you to meet your needs and desires for involvement. Opportunities for individuals or groups from local companies to volunteer vary. For more information, please contact our representative in your region.

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Many donors work for employers who will match their employees’ gifts to charities within guidelines set by the employer. We encourage our donors, employed or retired, to inquire whether their employer will match their gifts to us. We also welcome and value grants of any kind – from general operating support to those designated for specific services or programs.