Akal Academy Kajri Niranjanpur under the aegis of Kalgidhar Education Trust, Baru sahib celebrated its Annual Tree Plantation Day on 1 August, 2014. The programme was aimed to aware children and community about the need for safeguarding the mother earth from major environmental crisis. The hon’ble chief guest on the occasion was Mr. Sahir Ahmed, Deputy […]
Akal Academy Kajri Niranjanpur under the aegis of Kalgidhar Education Trust, Baru sahib celebrated its Annual Tree Plantation Day on 1 August, 2014. The programme was aimed to aware children and community about the need for safeguarding the mother earth from major environmental crisis. The hon’ble chief guest on the occasion was Mr. Sahir Ahmed, Deputy Forest Ranger, Pilibhit-Puranpur Forest Range.
With the warm welcome of the chief guest by school Principal, Staff, and Students in the school campus, students presented a Skit followed by poems by junior children on plants. The principal Mrs. Simran Kaur Thind after welcoming the chief guest; grandparents, children and teachers moved towards the school playground area where plantation was done. As per the guidelines of The Kalgidhar Trust, this year selected fruit saplings were planted comprising of mango, pomegranate, papaya, guava, jack fruit, lemon, neem etc. More than 125 saplings were planted with the help of assembled volunteers. The Eco Club of the school played a key role in motivating children and grand parents to make this day great.
A signature campaign on the occasion was also conducted by Ajay House of the school. The chief guest, grandparents, and teachers wrote their messages and slogans to make this day unforgettable.
~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 5th July ’14