A unique devotion in helping Sikhs Worldwide, a first-of-its-kind initiative, a new portal called www.gurdwarajob.com, has been launched where Granthis, Ragis, Pathis, Langris, Sewadars etc. could get jobs in Gurdwaras worldwide. This website has more than 1,800 listed Gurdwaras in the world from where anyone could search their particular job in specific country. Developed by […]

A unique devotion in helping Sikhs Worldwide, a first-of-its-kind initiative, a new portal called www.gurdwarajob.com, has been launched where Granthis, Ragis, Pathis, Langris, Sewadars etc. could get jobs in Gurdwaras worldwide. This website has more than 1,800 listed Gurdwaras in the world from where anyone could search their particular job in specific country.

Developed by Amrit Pal Singh, this global online platform will provide information on vacancies. This website is conceptualized on the lines of employment websites that list job opportunities for corporate executives.

When asked about this out-of-the-box idea, Amrit Pal Singh said that while he was working abroad, he had encountered several trained Ragis, Katha Vachaks and Pathis who were cheated by agents back home by promising them jobs in Gurdwaras overseas, but actually found that there were no jobs once they went abroad. They were forced to stay there illegally and had undergone many hardships. They were cheated by agents back home for huge sums of money under the pretext of getting jobs.

Odd jobs and stress amongst trained Sikhs

Once abroad, they had to take up odd jobs, were under constant stress and had to prolong their stay in the hope of recovering the money they had spent. Stating that the website provides services free of cost, Amrit Pal Singh said that numerous Gurdwaras all over the world always require capable and efficient staff like Ragis, Pathis, Granthis, Langri, Sewadar, Katha Vachak, computer operators, librarian, cashier, supervisor, managers etc.

“However, there are a large number of trained and talented people who want to serve in overseas Gurdwaras but are unaware of the vacancies and the process for applying. So this portal will provide Gurdwaras’ managements worldwide the platform to choose competent staff, as per their criteria from the list of resumes posted by job seekers and to post job vacancies. Hence, this website will serve as a boon for everyone,” added Amrit Pal Singh.


You can contribute to this cause by helping it make the biggest network for Gurdwara jobs worldwide by listing the Gurdwaras worldwide that you know off by simply clicking on the option ‘Add Gurdwaras’ on the website where you can add the Gurdwaras’ details, thus helping others in the world to contact those looking for Gurudwara jobs.

For more details about this venture, check the link below:
Media Contact:
Amrit Pal Singh
Mobile +91-9876625076
Email: info@gurdwarajob.com /gurdwarajob@gmail.com