The documentary focuses on how the Sikh Community in Italy has transformed the farm sector of the Italian economy. It starts off with a story on how immigrants arrived in Italy and why they immediately went into the farm sector. The story then shifts to a particular family and their views of life in Italy. The documentary’s primary focus is how Sikhs are keeping alive the cheese industry in Italy and without them the cheese probably wouldn’t be made in such high quantity.

The owners of the cheese factories state they are glad to have Sikhs as their workers because Sikhs are trustworthy and hand working.

Sikh Formaggio: How a generation of Sikh immigrants have been absorbed into the heart of the Italian cheese industry.
Italy’s Sikh community have found a unique way to integrate into their new-found home. Their cultural heritage has left them uniquely positioned to preserve Italy’s unique cheese manufacturing techniques.

This is not one individual’s story, but a community of voices and how the tradition of making cheese plays a role in all of their lives.

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