Baba Deep Singh ji, who sacrificed his life to protect humanity, was remembered at 5 places of Chandigarh city. Prof Panditrao Dharennavar who is originally from Karnataka, traveled different places of Chandigarh city and spread the messages of Baba Deep Singh ji. Panditrao not only visited Punjab University, but also PGI, where he gave an […]

Baba Deep Singh ji, who sacrificed his life to protect humanity, was remembered at 5 places of Chandigarh city. Prof Panditrao Dharennavar who is originally from Karnataka, traveled different places of Chandigarh city and spread the messages of Baba Deep Singh ji. Panditrao not only visited Punjab University, but also PGI, where he gave an inspirational speech to relatives of patients who are admitted in PGI for the various treatments. He covered those areas of Chandigarh where most of the people have migrated from other states.

Man on Mission - Prof Panditrao Dharennavar spreads the contribution of Baba Deep Singh Ji to Humanity this Prakash Purab!

Panditrao said “I am blessed to celebrate the Prakash Utsav of Dhan Baba Deep Singh ji in 5 places of Chandigarh city…. I will celebrate everywhere because the contribution of Baba Deep Singh has to be told and retold to our generation and coming generations.”

Man on Mission - Prof Panditrao Dharennavar spreads the contribution of Baba Deep Singh Ji to Humanity this Prakash Purab!

Panditrao also said he will meet the Director PGI, Dr Yogesh Chawla and demand a restroom to be constructed for the relatives of the patients who come for the treatment. Prof Panditrao is already teaching Punjabi to PGI south Indian Doctors for better communication between patients and Doctors in PGI.