Sikhs are getting aggressively targeted with unnecessary suspicion owing to their distinctive turbans and beards. A man on a Jet Blue flight from New York to California made a 40 second video recording of a Sikh man asleep in the seat next to him and put it on YouTube with the caption, “Would you feel […]

Sikhs are getting aggressively targeted with unnecessary suspicion owing to their distinctive turbans and beards.

A man on a Jet Blue flight from New York to California made a 40 second video recording of a Sikh man asleep in the seat next to him and put it on YouTube with the caption, “Would you feel safe? Flying with Bin Laden”, CBS San Francisco reports. It’s true. This is what the world has come to.

The human rights advocates and the United Sikhs were alarmed at the bold stupidity and earth-shattering ignorance of this man.

The Internet rushed to the defence of the Sikh man, identified as Darshan Singh of California. The video which had received over a 100k views so far and has been bombarded with comments that decry the idiocy of the man recording. These commentors gave us hope that the World still unites against such derogatory remarks.

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