Guru Nanak Dev Ji The Creator Of The Holy Japji Who Is The Bridge For Us Between This World And The Holy Creativity For ‘naam’ Is ‘sat’ And ‘sat’ Is ‘naam’ He Chose To Give Us This Beautiful Bond As We Go Through Life Of Now And Beyond. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Our Guru Divine […]

Guru Nanak Dev Ji The Creator Of The Holy Japji Who Is The Bridge For Us Between This World And The Holy Creativity

For ‘naam’ Is ‘sat’ And ‘sat’ Is ‘naam’ He Chose To Give Us This Beautiful Bond
As We Go Through Life Of Now And Beyond.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Our Guru Divine The One, The Only One Who Taught The Brahamans And The Shudras That A Society With Classes Was Unfair To The Masses Of Those Untouchables That Were Outcast In The Past Were Then Uplifted With The Guru’s Grace Above The Realm Of Control From Those That Told Them There Was No Hope…

Mankind Was In A Hell Of Darkness And Uncertainity And Guruji Lifted Us Above The Atrocities.

When Guru Nanak Spoke The World Listened For The ‘bani’ That Permeated From The Guru, Created An Aura Of Peace And Love And The Message Of Equality.

For The Guru Said, Especially To Those That Crave Truth, Love And Faith To Go On Unrelentlessly In Search Of Their True Destiny.

If It Wasn’t For The Chanting Of ‘tera, Tera’ Or The Crushed Arrogance Of ‘wali Kanthari’ Or Even The Eye Opener Of ‘raibular’… As He Saw The Snake Slither Away, After Shading The Guru’s Face And Seeked Solace In The Feet Of The Guru And His Grace…

For The Guru Guides The Desciple Into The Path And Into The Cycle Of The Insightful, Recital Of Gurbani Leading To The Revival Of The Mind, Body And Soul.

Thanks To The One A Tribute To The Guru For Blessing Us With ‘simran’
And ‘sewa’ And To Make Us In Tune With ‘waheguru’.

Chanting ‘waheguru’s’ Name To Get Aboard The Holy Ship For Guru Naank Said, His Sikhs Will Not Slip… For They Have The Essence Of Faith To Go Beyond The State Of Worldly Things On To The Path That Leads To The Holy Place Where There Is One ‘naam’… One Faith, The Ultimate…

And Guru Nanak With His Gurbani Guides Us
Through The Path We Need To Take. —

~ by Vaninder Kaur
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