1. Battle of Festubert In one instance during the Battle of Festubert, 4 from 19th Punjab, 4 Sikhs from the 15th Ferozepur and 2 from the 45th Sikhs were given the responsibility of carrying bombs. All 10 Sikh soldiers exhibited commendable devotion to duty and courage while performing the job. It was a distance of […]

1. Battle of Festubert

In one instance during the Battle of Festubert, 4 from 19th Punjab, 4 Sikhs from the 15th Ferozepur and 2 from the 45th Sikhs were given the responsibility of carrying bombs. All 10 Sikh soldiers exhibited commendable devotion to duty and courage while performing the job. It was a distance of over 250 yards they had to cover while taking the bombs to the front line from the support trenches.

The entire distance was fully covered by machine guns of the enemy, and the Sikhs had to use their turbans to pull the boxes containing bombs as no ropes were available there. When they went ahead through German fire, only 3 soldiers and Lieutenant Smyth were left when they were just 40 yard shorter from the target place. This was when they decided to open boxes and take two bombs at a time and lost one more soldier while rushing the remaining distance. Lt. Smyth and the remaining Sikhs successfully made it to the other side and were duly awarded later along with the dead ones.

2. 2nd World War Battles in Italy

The Sikh soldiers played a pivotal role in many battles that were fought in Italy during the Second World War. Right from the beginning of the Italian Campaign in August 1944, almost the entire country witnessed Sikh warriors taking on and annihilating the Germans until the last assault in April 1945. Indian troops having Sikh and Gurkha regiments were the first to reach Ferrara when it was liberated later on.

3. The Battle of Kluang

A Sikh battalion attacked a Japanese troop that was stronger in terms of both number and ammunition in the north on Kluang, Johor on 30th January, 1942. Charged with bayonets, while the enemy was panic-struck, the Sikh Battalion captured nearly 150 bicycles and 250 motor cycles after seizing their machine-gun post and positions. The enemy causalities in the battle were nearly 400 and all mortars, field guns and Tommy-guns were demolished.

4. Battle of Yang Tsun
This was a battle that took place during the historical Boxer Rebellion when Eight-Nation Alliance forces were marching towards Beijing from Tianjin. In this battle, the charge was taken by 24th Punjab Regiment, a British regiment of Sikhs and an American regiment. These two regiments had to race and get exposed to vigorous rifle fire and bombardment over a 5000-yard plateau in order to settle down on a safe location and occupy a highly fearsome position.

Struggling, both the troops neared the enemy within 300 yards and simultaneously attacked and slaughtered the Chinese. Eventually, the battle ended well under the remarkable charge of the two forces and Yang Tsun was occupied.

5. Battle of Saragarhi

The Battle of Saragarhi occurred on 12 September 1897 during the Tirah Campaign and was fought between 10,000 Orakzai and Afghan tribesmen and just 21 soldiers of the 4th Battalion of the British India’s Sikh Regiment!

All 21 Sikhs who were defending their army post, instead of choosing to surrender, decided to fight till death and proved their loyalty to the Queen of India and the standing of the Sikhs. The UK parliament gave all the brave Sikh soldiers a standing ovation and posthumously awarded them the Indian Order of Merit after.

6. Battle of La Bassee

During the World War 1 also, the Sikh soldiers played a crucial role in several significant battles in France. In the Battle of La Bassee, Sikh troops made conventional bayonet charges in unison with the Gurkhas.

While more than 20,000 German soldiers died and got wounded because of the perfect bayonet charges in the battle, the loss of the British barely exceeded 2,000. The German frontal line was not only checked, but completely broken and beaten. The Sikhs pursued the German soldiers until they were called back by their officers.

The Sikh warriors have always been the most prominent figures of valour and mettle in the forefront of fight against evil. In history, Sikh soldiers were always the first to take on enemies, nullify them with all their might and have their blood gladly spilled in order to protect civil rights and liberation. Their fighting tradition and abilities have never been surpassed by any other troops anywhere in the world till date!

~ Source : topyaps