From Mecca, Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana reached Baghdad, a big city in the country of Iraq. Staying on the outskirts of the city, Guru Sahib gave a traditional holy call for prayers which surprised the people as they had never heard such a sweet and devoted call to prayers before. The local Pircame and […]

From Mecca, Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana reached Baghdad, a big city in the country of Iraq. Staying on the outskirts of the city, Guru Sahib gave a traditional holy call for prayers which surprised the people as they had never heard such a sweet and devoted call to prayers before. The local Pircame and inquired about Guru Sahib and the sect to which he belong. The Pir put several questions before the Guru, asking particularly whether God looks upon Hindus or Muslims as better. Guru Sahib replied, “Superiority depends not on religion, but on good deeds.”

Guru Sahib answered many other questions to remove the Pir’s doubts on many points. The Pir however doubted the Guru’s assertion that there are countless nether- worlds and upper-worlds. Guru Sahib enlightened the Pir about the existence of countless such worlds. Guru Sahib placed his hand on the forehead of Pir’s son and asked the boy to close his eyes. Instantaneously, thousands of lower and upper worlds became visible to the boy’s inner eyes. When the boy narrated all that he had seen in the brief moment of the inner vision, everyone present touched the Guru’s feet in reverence.