Please share this with your children!!! Baba Baghel Singh (1730 – 1802) – The Conquer of Delhi, was born in village Jhabal, District Amritsar. From humble beginnings he arose to become a formidable force in the area between River Sutlej and River Yamuna. He aligned himself with Karor Singhia led by Sardar Karora Singh. After […]

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Baba Baghel Singh (1730 – 1802) – The Conquer of Delhi, was born in village Jhabal, District Amritsar. From humble beginnings he arose to become a formidable force in the area between River Sutlej and River Yamuna. He aligned himself with Karor Singhia led by Sardar Karora Singh. After the early demise of Karora Singh, Baba Baghel Singh succeeded as a leader of Karora Singhia misl in 1765. As well as being a good soldier, Baba Baghel Singh was a very good political negotiator and was able to win over many an adversary to his side. The Mughals, the Ruhilas, the Marathas and British sought his friendship.

 Then Baba Baghel Singh turned his attention towards the cis-Yamuna territories. Soon the Sikhs were invading territories in Delhi and beyond, including Meerut, Awadh, collecting tribute from the Nawabs of each area. He is celebrated in Sikh history as the vanquisher of Mughal Delhi. On the 11th of March 1783, the Sikhs entered the Red Fort in Delhi and occupied the Diwan-i-Am (Hall of Public Audience).

 It is also commonly believed that Baba Baghel Singh with his army had camped in the jungles surrounding Delhi from which they were planning to secretly launch their attack. The place where the camp was established later came to be known as “Tees Hazaari”. This is where the present day Delhi Court is located.

Dhan Sikhi! Dhan Khalsa!

~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 15th Feb ’14