The First day started with a brilliant morning session started with a burst of excitement by Mrs. Manjushree Patil. She introduced everyone to the rhythm of education. Each participant was hooked on to various vivid activities. The morning session ended on the melancholic reminder of the Nirbhaya case which stunned the World. Excerpts from the […]

The First day started with a brilliant morning session started with a burst of excitement by Mrs. Manjushree Patil. She introduced everyone to the rhythm of education. Each participant was hooked on to various vivid activities. The morning session ended on the melancholic reminder of the Nirbhaya case which stunned the World.

Excerpts from the film India‘s Daughter shook the audience. Children were made to understand the concept of equality, compassion, and respect. The vision for a safe, free, equal World has become a priority for the educators. We need to stand together not letting another such incident happen.

The movement emerging from this tragic incident was known as ‘SAMANTA’ with the major focus on social and emotional learning starting right from childhood.

To make our children understand and feel emotional and social connect ‘Samanta’ has a great collection of storybooks. The use of language & voice modulation has become quite essential.

The numerous storybooks with specific lesson plans will be the key in empowering children with problem-solving and will help them have a different mindset. During the second day, the topic of gender stereotypes was discussed in all its pitfalls.

The need of the hour was to inculcate the value that everyone is to be treated with the same respect and equality.

The mood meter was introduced in four primary colors and their discerning effect on the mood of a person. The RULER program was introduced which elaborated that while we cannot choose our feelings we can choose the responses of these feelings

The project was critical for the teachers who hold the responsibility of defining moments for children in their early years. This introduced the beginning of a new thought process and mindset in learning beyond academics.

It was a great step forward to bring major changes in the mindset of the future generations towards equality, compassion, empathy and critical thinking.