It is a rare opportunity that we were fortunate to meet a Divine Soul Baba Iqbal Singh in the urban jungle of West London (Southall). This meeting was arranged by my architect friend Ranjit Singh of Delhi. Baba Ji, who at the age of 92 was in England spreading his message of peace and harmony […]

It is a rare opportunity that we were fortunate to meet a Divine Soul Baba Iqbal Singh in the urban jungle of West London (Southall). This meeting was arranged by my architect friend Ranjit Singh of Delhi. Baba Ji, who at the age of 92 was in England spreading his message of peace and harmony among human beings and to receive the prestigious Sikh Life – Time Achievement Award 2016. Babaji’s visit to England provided us the privilege to acquaint ourselves with his objectives more thoroughly and spread his message to Indian community in Britain.

Baba Iqbal Singh began his movement of educational and social reforms after re- tiring as Director of Agricultural Department in the State of Himachal Pradesh in 1986. He was inspired by his Master Baba Teja Singh. As a socio-spiritual entre- preneur and leader of Sikhs, Babaji is renowned for his reforming zeal in the field of education. He has already established 130 schools, 14 colleges and 2 universities, all in a span of 30 years. They are spread across Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The main objective of these educational institutes has been to provide Value-Based Education and equip children with spiritual as well as latest high quality technical and scientific knowledge without any gender or caste discrimination.

Babaji was inspired firstly by Guru Nank’s mission and secondly by the famous writing of Wordsworth that a child is the father of man. That is to say that if any one wants to transform a society start with children. In fact it is interesting to note that a small hut with five students in 1986 has grown to 65,000 stu- dents per year across Northern India. One of the most developed premises is Akal Academy, Baru Sahib. (photo below) It is also known as the valley of divine and meditation place and is located 110 and 170 km from Shimla and Dehradun respectively.

In addition to his work in spreading educational opportunities to the poor and reforming the society
Babaji’s Akal Academia has been instrumental in:

Women empowerment: A vast long-term women empowerment programs in the community is zestfully
being run, wherein young girls are first educated to 12th standard and later to an intensive Teachers Train-
ing Program of 4 years enabling them to be employed as Teachers in schools.
Drugs: Babaji believes and works hard to ensure that young and old abstain from drugs and alcohol with
a hope of closing down liquor shops and decline in crime rate. Children free from drugs, would naturally
make them a good global citizens.

Education in rural areas for the benefit of the rural population implying technical know-how of land
fertility, seeds and climate. The curriculum, in short, emphasises not only spiritual values but a change in
social, ethical and scientific thinking among the student community. A true Karmayogi saint who inspires
by his very presence.

Ranjit Singh is Delhi based Architect who has been involved in designing Baru Sahib – Valley of the Divine Peace. He also has been associated with many other projects and schemes imcluding proposed Akal University in Talwandi Sabho at Bathinda, Punjab.

Babaji is a great believer of international harmony and peace and still striding hard to achieve these goals at
the age of nighty two.

Ravinder Pal Singh Kohli used to be a businessman. He left his business and now devotes his time and energies with Babaji to promote the worthy aims and objectives of the Kalgidhar Trust / Society. He with his large team is based in Delhi.