I am Lovejeet Singh Multani, an alumni of Baru Sahib, a simpleton with an atypically complex mind that had always remained absorbed in artful thoughts. My journey from the days of childhood to schooling at Akal Academy Baru Sahib up till the present point of my life, where I am pursuing my B.A in Fine […]

I am Lovejeet Singh Multani, an alumni of Baru Sahib, a simpleton with an atypically complex mind that had always remained absorbed in artful thoughts.

My journey from the days of childhood to schooling at Akal Academy Baru Sahib up till the present point of my life, where I am pursuing my B.A in Fine Arts at Goldsmiths University of London ( one of the top 3 Art Colleges of the world); has witnessed bouldery terrains and exceptionally blessed destiny.

I did my entire schooling from Akal Academy Baru Sahib – from Nursery to 12th standard, being a kid with an atypical set of interests & obsession with art, I grew up finding myself awkwardly standing out from the lot at every level of my life; for I was seen as an idiot by most of the students including my friends for not being much interested in studies; for most of my time I would remain lost into my own world, preoccupied & fascinated with Art.

It would’ve become difficult to stay connected with art; I would’ve lost direction & all my confidence had I not received the support of Dr. Davinder Singh Sir, our Principal, who personally counseled me and boosted my confidence thereby giving me the much needed motivation to polish my skill in the art & realize my dreams.

The memory of the 2 most crucial years of my life, that are responsible for shaping up my career and taking me to the point where I am today, is connected with Dr. Davinder Sir – I still remember how difficult my life was getting day by day as I reached class 9th – it was only tougher to maintain my love for Art alongside staying focused on academics, but then Dr. Davinder SIngh came as a blessing in my life; he personally instructed my coordinator & arranged to align a special room for me where I can spend time in isolation and nurture my art skills; this was the turning point of my life – for 2 year, this room was my hangout place, all my free time, weekends & holidays; were booked for my date with the Art in the room. This episode, I remember, brought up my confidence, which, till date, is taking me to places.

After school, there was no looking back…I began with my exploration to find out the next steps of my ladder to the world of Art. I checked out all the Art Museums, met the masters of Arts like Subodh Gupta, visited the best of institutes, be it Delhi College of Arts or Chandigarh’s Art College; the only problem was to convince my parents about what I was doing…they had always wanted to push me into medical field, but, thankfully they felt confident about me once I made them meet the famed Fine Artists duo Thukral & Tagra. Financially, it wasn’t an easy for my parents to support my expensive studies in London, but thanks to God Almighty that they took a call and I have been able to keep their confidence in me intact. London is like mecca of Art; it’s respected like a religion here; the prospects are way different & a lot wider here.

The Spirituality Connection – A lot of My work, my inspiration; has a deep connection with spirituality, which I derived through Baru Sahib all through the years of my schooling. My closely relates to Spirituality, Religions, Myths, Faith, beliefs, etc. I have a lot of curiosity to explore religions of the world.

For the Indian Society – I wish more students join me here in the field of art. For fellow students I would like to say that in today’s age, we are lucky to have internet – so explore a lot & deep into your interest no matter where you are or from where you come from, success will definitely come your way.

For parents, I would like to request them to support their kids in letting them follow their interests, for no field has any less scope than medical or engineering, let the kids follow their dreams & you will see them fly one day. Once again, my sincere thanks to my school of upbringing – Baru Sahib & special regards to Dr.Davinder Singh Sir for putting his trust in me when everyone else had kept doubts.
