Baba Iqbal Singh is a renowned Sikh personality all over the World as he has dedicated his life to Sikh education and has succeeded through Kalgidhar Trust and Society and Akal Foundation. He has played a great role in setting up a large number of academies, colleges and two universities. He was born in 1926. […]
Baba Iqbal Singh is a renowned Sikh personality all over the World as he has dedicated
his life to Sikh education and has succeeded through Kalgidhar Trust and Society and Akal Foundation.
He has played a great role in setting up a large number of academies, colleges and two universities. He was
born in 1926. Right from his early age, he was attached with Sant Teja Singh Ii, who was, in turn a
close associate of Sant Attar Singh Ji Mastuane Wale (1866-1927).
When S. Iqbal Singh Ii retired as Director of Agriculture, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh on 30.03.1987, he dedicated himself to the task started by Sant Teja Singh Ji. Sant Teja Singh (1877-1965) was a highly educated person (M.A., LLB and MA. Harvard from USA.) and he wanted to establish a high class Sikh Educational Institution at a spiritual place, which he had discovered at Baru Sahib in Himachal Pradesh. In search of this place, Baba Iqbal Singh had helped him and as such after his death, S. Iqbal Singh carried forward this mission and very shortly a high class Sikh Institution was set up at this beautiful picturesque place also known as The Valley of Divine Peace.
After that Baba Iqbal Singh Ji set up a large number of academies in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Uttaranchal and
U.P. Most of these academies have been set up at rural locations including Cheema Sahib in Punjab, the
birth place of Sant Attar Singh Ii. When Baru Sahib University known as Akal University came into being, a
number of colleges were started and affiliated to the same. Another university at Talwandi Sabo has been set
up recently and it is his dream to make it a Center of Excellence on par with the best universities in the World.
Baba Ji has not only taken a keen interest in the education of Sikhs living in India and abroad and also
those living in villages where there are no schools, but has also started a number of other projects for the
welfare of the community. For example, he has given training to the poor village girls in many locations
which can help them in establishing themselves in life.
Teacher training including basic teacher training is also given to poor girls without charging them anything and then they are employed in the Academies run by the trust and society. Akal Foundation also has an orphanage in which thousand of orphans are getting free education. Baba Ji, even at this age works with untiring and missionary zeal. He visits many foreign countries to solicit the students, the financial help and also the first hand knowledge of the education system in those countries. His magnetic and dynamic personality is so inspiring and motivating that many students who have got education in the Institutions under his guidance are winning laurels as true Gursikhs in different fields in different part of the world. Thus he is one of the great Sikh Role Models and will always be remembered for his immense and laudable contribution not only in the field of education, but also
preparing the role models for future.