Akal Academy Cheema Sahib, running under the aegis of the Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib, recently observed 6th ‘Sant Teja Singh Ji Inter-Academy Basketball Tournament. In the tournament, 6 teams of girls participated from different Academies. Post the Kirtan performance by the Akal Academy Students during the opening ceremony, Principal S.Baljeet Kaur waived the flag to mark the initiation of the games.
Coach Kuldeep Thakur, whilst providing the detailed information about the event, revealed that in the tournament – Akal Academy Bhai Desa, Akal Academy Dhindsa and Akal Academy Ratia won 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively.
On this occasion, Principal Baljeet Kaur, whilst congratulating the winning teams, said that for the all around development of the students, participation in sport-games alongside studies is very important; she honored the winning teams with trophies and medals. During the event, Proncipal Beant Kaur, Akal Academy Punjabi Medium alongside entire staff were also present.
~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 6th May ’14
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