Akal Academy Kajri, Niranjanpur, UP celebrated Teachers’ Day with lot of zest & fun activities. Dressed to the occasion, Specially attired Teachers and Staff of the school were welcomed by the students with flowers & bouquets. The children were eager and energetic to have some frolic moments with their Teachers.
Principal Mrs. Simran Kaur Thind alongside Teachers, paid floral tribute to Dr. Saravpalli S Radhakrishnan. Whilst several students showcased, beautifully designed placards in & outside the classrooms to make the occasion graceful, the senior wing of the school gave away title tags, amid cheerful ovation.
To add spark to the celebrations, certain students presented mimicry of their favorite Teachers that sent the Teachers into convulsive laughter. This light-hearted banter brought the creative elements into action. Later, an entertaining “Teachers’ Special” quiz between the ladies and the gents team kept the event ablaze.
Lastly, it was the ‘Tug of war’ organized between senior boys & gents teachers giving some fun-filled combat actions to everyone especially when the gents teachers towed the budding boys to the ground.
Finally Principal Mrs. Simran Kaur Thind, gave away tokens of appreciation lauding the Teachers for their hard work & dedication. She exhorted “Both Teachers & students should strive to preserve the cultural values pertaining to the traditional Guru-Shishya, Teacher-student relationship. I thank them for making the occasion memorable.”
~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 16th Sep ’13