After Drugs, hooked to Books!

Read Governance Now magazine’s latest article on about how The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib, a standalone organization with a motive for Rural Transformation – is fighting Drugs through Education and running Drug Rehabilitation Centers that enable rehabilitation of children and youth addicted to drugs. Get hard hitting numbers of Drug addiction cases that have been registered and […]

Read Governance Now magazine’s latest article on about how The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib, a standalone organization with a motive for Rural Transformation – is fighting Drugs through Education and running Drug Rehabilitation Centers that enable rehabilitation of children and youth addicted to drugs.

Get hard hitting numbers of Drug addiction cases that have been registered and how Akal Drug De-addiction centers are working to curb this menace that is spread across Punjab and know the insights about how this organization is playing a major role in restoring this destroyed generation of drug-addicts.

Power to the rural students in Power starved Punjab

Power Finance Corporation spends its CSR on Renewable Energy project at rural school Akal Academy, Reeth Kheri, Patiala. PEDA implements the First 5 KW Solar Photo Voltaic Power Plant. Power Finance Corporation (PFC), a leading Navratna Public Sector Undertaking of Govt. of India has been consistently rated as ‘Excellent’ for its performance. Recently, PFC decided […]

Power Finance Corporation spends its CSR on Renewable Energy project at rural school Akal Academy, Reeth Kheri, Patiala. PEDA implements the First 5 KW Solar Photo Voltaic Power Plant.

Power Finance Corporation (PFC), a leading Navratna Public Sector Undertaking of Govt. of India has been consistently rated as ‘Excellent’ for its performance. Recently, PFC decided to fund a CSR project of Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) to bring Renewable Energy Solar Photo voltaic Power Plants in Punjab’s rural schools chain of Akal Academies run by The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib.

PFC was set up in 1986 as a Financial Institution (FI) dedicated to Power Sector financing and committed to the integrated development of the power and associated sectors. PFC has entered its Silver Jubilee Year in 2010, is a Schedule-A, Nav-Ratna CPSE in the Financial Service Sector, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Power.

Punjab Energy Development Agency was formed in as a state nodal agency for promotion and development of renewable energy programmes/projects and energy conservation programme in the state of Punjab under Mr Bikram Singh Majithia, Minister for Environment & non-Conventional Energy.

PEDA began the successful installation of the First 5 Kilo Watt Solar PhotoVoltaic Power Plant at Akal Academy, Reeth Kheri, Patialarecently as an initial push to the implementation plan.Akal Academy, Reeth Kheri will benefit from this Solar Plant where this solar plant will help cater to the energy needs at the academy and the hostel with reduced electricity bills and energy efficient classrooms! The objective of the project is to provide clean energy for affordable lighting, fans and uninterrupted hours of functioning of computers.

“As of now we will be installing Solar Systems in 45 of the Akal Academies out of 98 in Punjab. Today we are here to set up the first Solar System at Akal Academy, Reeth Kheri. Till date we have installed the largest standalone Solar System of 200 KW at Akal Academy, Baru Sahib. We wish to thank Mr MK Goel, CMD, PFC and PEDA for supporting this cause”, said Mr. MP Singh, Advisor – Solar toKalgidhar Trust, which runs 129 rural schools.

“This gives me a great pleasure to announce that Akal Academy, Reeth Kheri is the first school in Punjab to avail the benefits of the Solar System that has been installed here. Our campus holds around 1900 students with the hostel facilities as well, a campus this big running on solar power will add on to our contribution in saving environment.” mentioned,Principal – Akal Academy Reeth Kheri.

About 45 similar SPV projects have been commissioned for Akal Academies placed in different districts of Punjab. Hail the efforts that have been initiated!

Want to help contribute in this cause of rural Transformation? You can do it here –

~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 18th Dec ’13

Paper on ‘Changing Lives through Social Innovation’ a case study on Baru Sahib published in JIARM Journal

JIARM – Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, a Global Society for multidisciplinary research publishes a scholarly, peer reviewed, monthly, open Access, online Research Journal every month. The December issue published a paper “Changing Lives through Social Innovation: a case study of Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib (Himachal Pradesh) India written by Dr. Pardeep Jain, […]

JIARM – Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, a Global Society for multidisciplinary research publishes a scholarly, peer reviewed, monthly, open Access, online Research Journal every month. The December issue published a paper “Changing Lives through Social Innovation: a case study of Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib (Himachal Pradesh) India written by Dr. Pardeep Jain, Professor, Dept. of Management & Humanities, Sant longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal, Punjab, India and Minakshi Garg, Research Scholar, Dept. of Management & Humanities, Santlongowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal Punjab, India

JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC RESEARCH FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY (JIARM) is an international double blinded referred and peer-review monthly online academic research journal in all the streams. The journal envisions is to create forum for review, reflection and discussion informed by the results of recent and ongoing research in every fields. JIARM encourages new ideas and works in all the fields and it publishes high quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case reports, conference reports/papers, technology reports, book reviews, commentaries, events and news.


Value based education is needed to empower citizens to become agents of change for better world societies. Value education is not simply the heart of education but also the education of heart as it inculcates sense of cooperation and fellow feeling among people. Value based education is the real need of the day to produce good upright human beings, who can inspire others to tread on the divine path and serve mankind selflessly. Values based education is the best way to enable society to move forward and bring about sustainable development in the world. Through such education, country will be able to harness the energyof the youth and persuade them to work for the betterment of the world now in turmoil. With increasing social evils like alcoholism, female-foeticide, drug abuse etc. the need of the houris to have a Drug free society and all mankind should be educated for a better living. For the same purpose Kalgidhar Trust is working in the direction of bringing back India’s glory by arresting drug abuse and female-foeticide. The Kalgidhar trust is working on the Sri Guru Nanak DevJi’s principles who reportedly said in 1499 that “it is a woman who keeps the race going” and that we should not “consider woman cursed and condemned, when from woman are born leaders and rulers.

The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib is an internationally acclaimed not for profit organization that works in the direction of providing Value-based Education in rural North India. Today, it runs a chain of 129 CBSE Eng Med Schools across 33 districts of five North Indian states, thereby benefitting around 60,000 rural students. It has become a trend-setter in bring a paradigm shift to addressing the cancerous drug-addiction issue through Value-based Education.

It is high time that the community understands the need to invest in ‘shrines of Education’ and social Development rather than just creating more and more religious shrines.

Read the Research Paper here: – http://www.barusahib.orgAssets/Publications/jiram_journal.pdf

~ Ramandeep Singh
~ 16th Dec ’13

First Sikh Organization to be Accredited from Credibility Alliance (CA)

The Kalgidhar Trust secures an appreciation for Good Governance practices in the Voluntary Sector! It takes efforts, credibility and a lot of faith in what one does and once that confidence is instilled into the good work, it takes you places. This confidence and good work of Rural Transformation has won The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru […]

The Kalgidhar Trust secures an appreciation for Good Governance practices in the Voluntary Sector!

It takes efforts, credibility and a lot of faith in what one does and once that confidence is instilled into the good work, it takes you places. This confidence and good work of Rural Transformation has won The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib, a coveted Accreditation from Credibility Alliance, an initiative by collective Voluntary Organizations who are committed towards enhancing accountability and transparency of an organization in the Voluntary Sector through good governance.

CACredibility Alliance with institutional support from Ford Foundation, has emerged to be a nodal agency for good Governance practices in the Voluntary Sector with a trust among all the stakeholders through improving governance within the Voluntary Sector. Accreditation/certification of VOs would be useful for both public and private sector and also for International donor agencies to select credible organizations for funding. This mechanism preserves the autonomy of the Voluntary Sector even while establishing a robust mechanism for self-regulation.

The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib has been granted this alliance for the efficiency that is visible through the exceptional work that has been done in the field of Rural Transformation through 129 Value Based Rural Schools imparting Value Education to more than 60,000 rural students with 2 Private Universities reaching out to 6450 villages of Northern India. The CA accreditation helps The Kalgidhar Trust get recognized as an accountable, transparent and governance driven organization.

Accreditation of The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib with CA adds on to the much-appreciated work of the organization through rural transformation alongwith Elementary Teacher Training Program, running Akal Charitable Hospital and Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center; and organizing Free Medical camps across Northern India. And what better gift to the community that this has been the first community organization to be accredited with CA.

Here’s to never ending motivation that keeps us growing, thank you for the love, support and care!

Inspired enough to be a part of the social cause of Rural Transformation? Contribute your support here –

~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 13th Dec ’13

Akal Academy students turnout in massive numbers for Gurbani Lehar for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth

Breaking all Final targets on Day 3! Students of Akal Academies across Northern India make us proud for more reasons than one. This time it’s keeping up with the set targets of 121 Sri Akhand Path Sahib, 121 Sehaj Path and 1 lakh Japji Sahib which they have not only been met but also exceeded them! […]

Breaking all Final targets on Day 3!

Students of Akal Academies across Northern India make us proud for more reasons than one. This time it’s keeping up with the set targets of 121 Sri Akhand Path Sahib, 121 Sehaj Path and 1 lakh Japji Sahib which they have not only been met but also exceeded them!

Akal Academy students turnout in massive numbers for Gurbani Lehar for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth

They have already crossed 1,26,000 Japji Sahib paths on the 3rd day against the Final target of 1,00,000 Paths. And 346 Sehaj Paths in progress against a target of 121. Most of the Akhand Path Sahibs will begin tomorrow onwards. Delhi Sangat is also contributing in this Gurbani Lehar in a big way and we hope to have the figures on 17th Dec. Similarly, USA Sangat too is supporting this wave of invoking
Almighty’s blessed intervention.

Thank you for the consistent support and blessings that are helping us reach milestones and set out further!

Mass Prayers by students of Akal Academies for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth!

Khalsa Panth blessed by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj has been undergoing turmoil in the recent times. To invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth and to keep negative energies at bay and keeping in mind Guru’s bachan of “Jee ki birtha hoye, so Gur peh Ardaas kar”, students of Akal Academies run by The Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib will conduct the Samapti ceremony of:

121 Sri Akhand Path Sahib,
121 Sehaj Path and 
1 lakh Japji Sahib 

on Wednesday, 18th of December.

Join us in the mass celebrations and keep up the good word for us!

21 Sehaj Path Begin at Akal Academy, Cheema

A step forward by students of Akal Academies to invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for the Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth by Mass Prayers! Khalsa Panth has been blessed by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj and it has been undergoing turmoil in the recent times. To invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa […]

A step forward by students of Akal Academies to invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for the Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth by Mass Prayers!

Khalsa Panth has been blessed by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj and it has been undergoing turmoil in the recent times.

21 Sehaj Path Begin at Akal Academy, CheemaTo invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth and to keep negative energies at bay and keeping in mind Guru’s bachan of “Jee ki birtha hoye, so Gur peh Ardaas kar”, students of Akal Academies run by The Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib will conduct the Samapti ceremony of:

121 Sri Akhand Path Sahib,
121 Sehaj Path and
1 Lakh Japji Sahib

on Wednesday, 18th of December

Here’s requesting you all to be a part of this Gurbani Lehar that follows the vaak of “Bani Guru, Guru hai Bani” and bless these little kids doing wonders for the Panth.

 Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

Akal Academy students to invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for the Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth by Mass Prayers!

Khalsa Panth blessed by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj has been undergoing turmoil in the recent times. To invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth and to keep negative energies at bay and keeping in mind Guru’s bachan of “Jee ki birtha hoye, so Gur peh Ardaas kar”, students of Akal […]

Khalsa Panth blessed by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj has been undergoing turmoil in the recent times. To invoke Akal Purakh’s blessings for Charhdi Kala of Khalsa Panth and to keep negative energies at bay and keeping in mind Guru’s bachan of “Jee ki birtha hoye, so Gur peh Ardaas kar”, students of Akal Academies run by The Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib will conduct the Samapti ceremony of:

121 Sri Akhand Path Sahib,
121 Sehaj Path and 
1 lakh Japji Sahib 

on Wednesday, 18th of December.

Here’s requesting you all to be a part of this Gurbani Lehar that follows the vaak of  “Baani Guru, Guru hai Baani

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

Free Education for Under-Privileged

Akal Academies, as a critical part of their ‘Rural Transformation’ mission, pay a prioritized attentiontowards identifying special admission cases for under-Privileged / Rural children, who have critical need for financial assistance; this is done in parallel with our education awareness drives, with help of local volunteers,covering nook & corner in vicinity (as much as 40kms) […]

Akal Academies, as a critical part of their ‘Rural Transformation’ mission, pay a prioritized attentiontowards identifying special admission cases for under-Privileged / Rural children, who have critical need for financial assistance; this is done in parallel with our education awareness drives, with help of local volunteers,covering nook & corner in vicinity (as much as 40kms) of each of its 129 Akal Academies covering around 6450 villages.

The team actively identifies & creates a list of all such cases requiring Free or Sponsored Education during itsAwareness Drive. All Academies admit 10 students from the rural poor so that ‘out of school’ children are brought into the mainstream. In 2013, around 1300 students across all operational Akal Academies, benefitted through Free/Sponsored Education Projects of the Trust. And the Trust commits itself to support these children for 14 years ie. upto Class-XII.

The Trust is striving to support several such children to the best possible extent of its capacity, yet our contribution alone remains confined to serving only a small fraction as the expanse of poverty is large in these regions.

For the aforementioned purpose, The Kalgidhar Trust, alongside its Education Awareness Campaigns in the villages, has additionally paired a unique ‘DeedADay’ child sponsorship Project as an initiative to significantly increase sponsored education enrollments.

An authentication team checks for validation of the identified cases through necessary Govt. documentation& family/house site surveys before the candidatesare enlisted for seeking sponsorship.

‘DeedADay’, a strategically designed ancillary project from the organization, aims to draw education sponsorship support for children of impoverished & under-privileged families, who are deprived of education by offering a unique online platform website, where volunteers & sponsors from any part of the world can directly select to help & connect to Rural / under privileged children in India who are seeking education sponsorship by simply selecting a child from a real-time roster of kids awaiting sponsorships.

The roster is publicly visible to anyone just on the home page of the website, it further provides all relevant information about the child like family background, age, current academic status alongside amount required for sponsorship etc; so as to assist the sponsor make his selection. Once sponsored, the child’s annual report alongside performance mark-sheet is also made visible to the sponsor regularly, plus the sponsor gets a chance to visit the child at the village anytime he wishes.

The KalgidharTrust, Baru Sahib serves all children, regardless of religion, race, creed, ethnicity, or gender with a special focus on promoting education for girl child.All sponsored children are provided holistic schooling with Value-Based education at the Schools run by the charitable organization The Kalgidhar Trust / Society, having modern infrastructure & facilities like e-classrooms, R.O drinking water, and internet enabled computer labs, library etc& other modern facilities at par with any top private schools in cities.

~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 25th Nov ’13

“Going By the Book, Literally”- Article on Babaji in the current issue of Governance-Now Magazine.

Read the Governance Now magazine’s latest article on Babaji that will take you to an insightful journey of BabaJi’s education odyssey; the exclusive article elaborates upon some of the never-revealed facts about the inspirational & extra-ordinary journey of an ordinary man, who alone, with the grace of almighty, is re-defining the horizons of retirement & […]

Read the Governance Now magazine’s latest article on Babaji that will take you to an insightful journey of BabaJi’s education odyssey; the exclusive article elaborates upon some of the never-revealed facts about the inspirational & extra-ordinary journey of an ordinary man, who alone, with the grace of almighty, is re-defining the horizons of retirement & philanthropy.

Also, get one-on-one with the Kalgidhar Trust’s Advisor & PR Head S. Ravinder Pal Singh Kohli, the multi dimensional man, who solemnly burnt all his bridges to dedicate his life to service & uplift of humanity.

Explore Babaji’s Dream & live through his enduring & inspirationl journey… Read full article here

eMagazine : Governance Now Vol.04 Issue-20 (16-30 November 2013)

For Mobile: Governance Now Vol.04 Issue-20 (16-30 November 2013)

Also Download the PDF version: Click Here