Akal Academy Baru Sahib’s Super Alumnus Amrit Singh – the man who is always learning!

This week’s super Alumni is a simpleton, Amrit Singh, student of Baru Sahib Akal Academy, is currently pursuing his professional C.A course in Patiala to prove to be a learned man in some time. His journey is unique and blessed, not because he is a step away from being a professional, but because he belongs […]

This week’s super Alumni is a simpleton, Amrit Singh, student of Baru Sahib Akal Academy, is currently pursuing his professional C.A course in Patiala to prove to be a learned man in some time.

His journey is unique and blessed, not because he is a step away from being a professional, but because he belongs to typical agrarian society, from which Akal Purakh has upgraded his life – he credits his success to one and only one thing i.e. the blessing in disguise, that came to his life when his school had to be switched from Akal Academy Gomti to Akal Academy Baru Sahib. When he cited this, we were curious to know the reason, as in, all academies have similar teachers & teaching strategies, then what could possibly be so different he found there that he calls it a blessing in disguise…

Amrit Singh revealed – “ I was never a studious person, neither was I much interested in Academics previously, perhaps I only got an average 75% marks in 10th examination at Akal Academy Gomti – the reason, I personally used to prioritize sports over academics – I was into Volley Ball, Cricket & even Football team, played several state level matches and even had a chance to play at National level; but then, the twist, that brought clarity and perseverance in my  life, on all ends…”

He further revealed, “Just as I began to wonder that why Almighty had made me shift to Baru Sahib Akal Academy – where I had to take up difficult routine of waking up early and going to Gurudwara sahib to recite Baani (Almighty’s Nitnem); just as this slowly was becoming a routine, all my questions and doubts were being answered and the result, not only did my percentage score jumped from 75% in 10th to scoring 84% in 12th examinations (which I could never do, if I imagine myself previously), but I received an unprecedented surge in focus and motivation in everything else too and yes that includes sports.”

Amrit Pal is the younger brother of Ajitpal Singh (our previous week’s super alumni, who is doing MBBS in Russia) – sons of blessed S. Harjit Singh, a petty farmer & his house-wife S. Simarjeet Kaur. Young Ajitpal grew up in a family that was always devoted to Almighty; his father, due to his natural affinity to God, developed close relations with Babaji and have been serving at Akal Academy alongside his farming since 1987.

The 2 brothers also have a sister, who also, by Almighty’s grace on their agrarian family, has received blessings of to be an MBBS, a professional; all 3 kids have had an unexplainable life upgrades – by God’s kind grace; we have talked to both brothers till now and have only been able to get just one simple understating & message, that brother Amrit Pal also repeated, “ there isn’t much that is there to explain but a simple understanding that I would like to share with everyone – “Maintain your Sikhi & especially ‘Savere/Amrit Vele (early morning) da Jaagna’ (habit of rising up early morning hours); these were the only two things that were different at Baru Sahib, rest books, teachers, strategies were all good and similar, perhaps the only things that makes the difference is – Waheguru; which Baru Sahib brought in.”

Help uncover the change heroes like Amrit Singh, Donate here and participate in the Rural Transformation like never before – http://barusahib.org/donate/

~ Deeksha Singh
~ 5th Dec ’13

Village Gomti’s Ajitpal Singh (MBBS), his journey from field farms to Doctoring Minds – From Russia, with Love

They took us to US, they took us to Dublin and we have lived through Australia too, this week, our heart is pounding in Russia – as we exchanged some heartwarming conversations with another son of Baru Sahib – one of the Akal Academies’ Greatest Super Achiever alumni, village Gomti’s proud Ajitpal Singh, who gave […]

They took us to US, they took us to Dublin and we have lived through Australia too, this week, our heart is pounding in Russia – as we exchanged some heartwarming conversations with another son of Baru Sahib – one of the Akal Academies’ Greatest Super Achiever alumni, village Gomti’s proud Ajitpal Singh, who gave us time amidst his devoted MBBS pursuit to serve humanity as a Neurosurgeon Specialist.

Ajitpal Singh, who is currently at Russia’s Moscow-located, Tver State Medical Academy, striving at his best, is devoutly preparing himself to serve people back in India as soon as he receives his Doctorate title; for his belief, that he states to have learned has acquired from Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, Akal Academy and his Father motivating him to lead a life dedicated to service & welfare of the society.

Born to S. Harjit Singh, a petty farmer & his house-wife S. Simarjeet Kaur young Ajitpal grew up in a family that was always devoted to Almighty; his father, due to his natural affinity to God, developed close relations with Baba Iqbal Singh Ji and has been serving at Akal Academy with his farming since 1987.

From his days of childhood and at school, Ajit shared his affectionate memories of how his father induced love for Paath into him and how the similar environment at school helped nurture him into an individual he is today; he credits everything to his Dad and feels that it has been Sant Baba Iqbal Singh Ji’s blessings that invoked a unique confidence, aspiration and strength into him. “My father taught me Paath a lot early… I memorized all the Banis at a young age and I still follow my Paath regime”, revealed Ajit.

He did his schooling until 8th at Akal Academy Gomti, after which he took transfer to Akal Academy Baru Sahib by his own choice upon receiving insightful inspiration from his teacher Mr. Naresh, who was the reason for Ajitpal discovering his interest in medical science during a biology practical class where Ajitpal found his fascination upon experimenting with doing blood tests – “One day he taught us how to find blood groups in the bio lab… when I went to city few days after , I bought antiserums from a doctor, then I performed this at home”, revealed Ajitpal. He cleared his 12th at Baru Sahib with 80% marks and a smashing 90’s both in chemistry & biology.

In the family, Ajitpal is not the only son; he has a younger sister (also an Akal Academy Alumni), who is also doing medical currently to later pursue MBBS, and also a brother, who again is doing a professional C.A course. “Few years after we will be professionals, by Waheguru’s Mehar”, cited Ajitpal in reverence to Almighty’s Grace.

Towards conclusion, upon being asked what he learned or has anything he wishes to share with everyone, especially parents & students back at village, Ajitpal told us, “Akal Academies taught us to serve. That is what I have learnt and will follow all my life!” He further added that his biggest strength comes from a simple understanding that his father passed onto him & he feels like sharing the same with everyone – “First , don’t forget your Sikhi, maintain your Sikhi Saroop; Second, make Paath a part of your life and third, help everyone! These were the words my father told me when I was leaving for Russia.” Gurfateh!

~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 27th Nov ’13

Free Education for Under-Privileged

Akal Academies, as a critical part of their ‘Rural Transformation’ mission, pay a prioritized attentiontowards identifying special admission cases for under-Privileged / Rural children, who have critical need for financial assistance; this is done in parallel with our education awareness drives, with help of local volunteers,covering nook & corner in vicinity (as much as 40kms) […]

Akal Academies, as a critical part of their ‘Rural Transformation’ mission, pay a prioritized attentiontowards identifying special admission cases for under-Privileged / Rural children, who have critical need for financial assistance; this is done in parallel with our education awareness drives, with help of local volunteers,covering nook & corner in vicinity (as much as 40kms) of each of its 129 Akal Academies covering around 6450 villages.

The team actively identifies & creates a list of all such cases requiring Free or Sponsored Education during itsAwareness Drive. All Academies admit 10 students from the rural poor so that ‘out of school’ children are brought into the mainstream. In 2013, around 1300 students across all operational Akal Academies, benefitted through Free/Sponsored Education Projects of the Trust. And the Trust commits itself to support these children for 14 years ie. upto Class-XII.

The Trust is striving to support several such children to the best possible extent of its capacity, yet our contribution alone remains confined to serving only a small fraction as the expanse of poverty is large in these regions.

For the aforementioned purpose, The Kalgidhar Trust, alongside its Education Awareness Campaigns in the villages, has additionally paired a unique ‘DeedADay’ child sponsorship Project as an initiative to significantly increase sponsored education enrollments.

An authentication team checks for validation of the identified cases through necessary Govt. documentation& family/house site surveys before the candidatesare enlisted for seeking sponsorship.

‘DeedADay’, a strategically designed ancillary project from the organization, aims to draw education sponsorship support for children of impoverished & under-privileged families, who are deprived of education by offering a unique online platform website DeedADay.in, where volunteers & sponsors from any part of the world can directly select to help & connect to Rural / under privileged children in India who are seeking education sponsorship by simply selecting a child from a real-time roster of kids awaiting sponsorships.

The roster is publicly visible to anyone just on the home page of the website, it further provides all relevant information about the child like family background, age, current academic status alongside amount required for sponsorship etc; so as to assist the sponsor make his selection. Once sponsored, the child’s annual report alongside performance mark-sheet is also made visible to the sponsor regularly, plus the sponsor gets a chance to visit the child at the village anytime he wishes.

The KalgidharTrust, Baru Sahib serves all children, regardless of religion, race, creed, ethnicity, or gender with a special focus on promoting education for girl child.All sponsored children are provided holistic schooling with Value-Based education at the Schools run by the charitable organization The Kalgidhar Trust / Society, having modern infrastructure & facilities like e-classrooms, R.O drinking water, and internet enabled computer labs, library etc& other modern facilities at par with any top private schools in cities.

~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 25th Nov ’13

“Going By the Book, Literally”- Article on Babaji in the current issue of Governance-Now Magazine.

Read the Governance Now magazine’s latest article on Babaji that will take you to an insightful journey of BabaJi’s education odyssey; the exclusive article elaborates upon some of the never-revealed facts about the inspirational & extra-ordinary journey of an ordinary man, who alone, with the grace of almighty, is re-defining the horizons of retirement & […]

Read the Governance Now magazine’s latest article on Babaji that will take you to an insightful journey of BabaJi’s education odyssey; the exclusive article elaborates upon some of the never-revealed facts about the inspirational & extra-ordinary journey of an ordinary man, who alone, with the grace of almighty, is re-defining the horizons of retirement & philanthropy.

Also, get one-on-one with the Kalgidhar Trust’s Advisor & PR Head S. Ravinder Pal Singh Kohli, the multi dimensional man, who solemnly burnt all his bridges to dedicate his life to service & uplift of humanity.

Explore Babaji’s Dream & live through his enduring & inspirationl journey… Read full article here

eMagazine : Governance Now Vol.04 Issue-20 (16-30 November 2013)

For Mobile: Governance Now Vol.04 Issue-20 (16-30 November 2013)

Also Download the PDF version: Click Here

‘The Zero External Tuition Culture’, followed across all Akal Academies

Another exquisite feature of Akal Academies that makes us stand distinct amongst other schools, is that all of the Akal Academies have always followed a record trend of absolutely ‘No-Outside-Tuitions’ for any of our students. “The culture is known to be followed like a religion by all our students, our students of Akal Academies do […]

Another exquisite feature of Akal Academies that makes us stand distinct amongst other schools, is that all of the Akal Academies have always followed a record trend of absolutely ‘No-Outside-Tuitions’ for any of our students.

“The culture is known to be followed like a religion by all our students, our students of Akal Academies do not know much or are unaware about the concept of tuitions, that is usually prevalent is trending amongst most public and city schools”, cited an experienced senior teacher, who has been serving Akal Academies since a decade.

The exclusive feature, which is supposedly unique or at least rarely amongst schools, especially in the current generation, is being devoutly adhered ever since the inception of Akal Academies – a culture being maintained all through our 27 glorious years.

Though most of the staff members of the organization know about the prevalence of this culture, but our young team of city-kids who managed to get through schools only through riding the expensive tuitions ferry, were highly intrigued to know and understand how this was possible and how the concept has managed to flourish across all academies at all times in parallel.

Upon some pleasantly intrusive keen investigations involving enquiring interviews, which were warmly welcomed, we learned the secret behind – the reason for no student is subscribing to the tradition of taking tuitions or even feeling the need for it and the reason was both stunning & commendable.

Surprisingly, the responsibility of support and guidance beyond schooling hours is fulfilled by the Academic staff – the Teachers themselves, and that too voluntarily and free of any kind of charges, within the school itself, even if it has to be working beyond the stipulated hours. This way the teachers always ensure there is no need for students to look for expensive tuitions, external help or guidance; they believe that course text books alongside focused training is sufficient to crack even through board examinations with flying colors.

This practice was conceptualized to address the concerns of rural and under-privileged students and their families, for whom affording tuitions was not even remotely possible, hence the concept was consciously designed – which has been successfully been observing its universal application across all Akal Academies, ever since.

So tuitions, totally free of charge, are in fact happening regularly within the school premises; primarily seeking to serve the purpose of addressing one-on-one needs of individual students, typically the-private-teachers-way in the cities do in the form of home tuitions; the process and the concept, perhaps, just evolved in a philanthropic and fantastic way for the rural folks!

~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 19th Nov ’13

Experience LIVE Gurbani Telecast – in India, Europe & USA from Baru Sahib

Increasing World Outreach Now experience LIVE Gurbani Telecast – in India, Europe & USA from Baru Sahib. Amidst celebrations on the pious occasion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Gurparv celebrations, we feel blessed to announce that the Baru Sahib’s global reach is now being further expanded; “Day & Night News” channel, from today, has initiated […]

Increasing World Outreach

Now experience LIVE Gurbani Telecast – in India, Europe & USA from Baru Sahib.

Amidst celebrations on the pious occasion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Gurparv celebrations, we feel blessed to announce that the Baru Sahib’s global reach is now being further expanded; “Day & Night News” channel, from today, has initiated its regular association with The Kalgidhar Trust of Baru Sahib.

The news channel has taken up the task of covering all about Baru Sahib and also air LIVE coverage of the daily-morning path routine, from 4:30am to 7:30am, through its news channel which broadcasts through several Digital Operators across North India and is also available to viewers in Europe through strategic tie-up with SANGAT TV, which is Free To Air over SKY 847 in UK and also in USA through ‘Global Punjab’, which is available in North America through DISH Network Channel No. 739.

The Baru Sahib coverage will also be available through Day and Night News website’s Live Channels which are available worldwide. The Daily Program will cover Jaap, Nitnem, Asa-Di-Vaar and Anand Sahib LIVE from Baru Sahib. The channel will also be covering important activities, updates & other important information related to Baru Sahib and The Kalgidhar Trust.

In total, with almighty’s blessings that couldn’t have come on a better day than this, the coverage will increase Baru Sahib’s worldwide outreach by a whooping 16,61,000 viewers of the Day & Night News Channel.

Our entire team extends regards to the Day&Night News Channel, especially the members involved, whose efforts will benefit millions. We wish a Happy & Blissful Gur-Parv to all our supporters & subscribers.

~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 18th Nov ’13

Eternal University Research Scholar Awarded at INDO – GLOBAL Education Summit 2013

Jasneet Kaur, a Ph.D. Research Scholar at Eternal University, Baru Sahib was recently invited at the 2013 INDO-Global Education Summit, organized by ‘The INDUS Foundation’ at Indian Habitat Center on 9th November, 2013 where she was awarded for Research Excellence on the basis of her research contributions and publications on the synthesis and characterization of […]

Jasneet Kaur, a Ph.D. Research Scholar at Eternal University, Baru Sahib was recently invited at the 2013 INDO-Global Education Summit, organized by ‘The INDUS Foundation’ at Indian Habitat Center on 9th November, 2013 where she was awarded for Research Excellence on the basis of her research contributions and publications on the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials.

Jasneet’s research papers gave an in-depth analysis about ‘Synthesis and Characterization of different Nanostructures of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors’. Her work in the domain of Material Science has previously been published in several editorials and magazines; she has written various research articles on the subject and has also been an active participant in many of the National and International Research Seminars & Conferences.

An Alumnus of Akal Academy Baru Sahib (Himachal Pradesh), Jasneet Kaur originally belongs to New Delhi. She and her family, have close affinity to Baru Sahib and Baba Iqbal Singh Ji. She decided to join Akal Academy, Baru Sahib at the time when she had completed her 8th standard schooling from Guru Nanak Public School and completed rest of her studies here.

After completion of her high school, Jasneet pursued B.Sc. Physics (Hons.) from Maitreyi College, University of Delhi and did her M.Sc. at the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi – after which she joined Eternal University as a Ph.D. Research Scholar, where she is carrying on with her Research on Nano Materials and also taking lectures for under-graduate and post-graduate students at the University.

INDO – GLOBAL Education Summit – is a comprehensive educational event of its kind ever held in India being the biggest networking event for leaders in education from India and other countries, which sees participation of around 1000 Top-Indian and Foreign Universities. Initiated in 2010, the summit identifies and promotes innovation and educational excellence through presentation of education awards to institutions, educationists, and faculty in recognition of their contributions and excellence in any of the various academic fields.

~ Deeksha Singh
~ New Delhi, 15th Nov ’13

Foundation Stone of Akal Women’s College Laid by Baba Iqbal Singh Ji at Village Manal

The wave of Rural Transformation has hit village Manal this time – With Foundation Stone laid on 13th November 2013 through the hands of 89 Years Young Baba Iqbal Ji himself, the village will now soon have its own Akal College for Women. “The opening of the Akal College in this district will hugely be helpful; […]

The wave of Rural Transformation has hit village Manal this time – With Foundation Stone laid on 13th November 2013 through the hands of 89 Years Young Baba Iqbal Ji himself, the village will now soon have its own Akal College for Women.

“The opening of the Akal College in this district will hugely be helpful; the girls will no longer need to travel distant places for First-Class Higher Education”, Babaji quoted on the occasion of Inaugural Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony.

Punjabi Tribune
Punjabi Tribune

During the event, he talked about the vision behind running of various Educational Institutes including Akal Academies and Colleges, which seek to provide modern scientific education following the traditional disciplines and strategies of Gurukul, striving to curb the drugs/alcohol addiction and to uproot the prevalent social evils from our society whilst invoking spirituality – faith & love for almighty into students.

The 5.5 acre of land for the noble cause of developing the Akal College has been donated by Major Gurcharan Singh Jhaj and his wife Raminder Kaur Jhaj, in the loving memory of their deceased son S. Gurdeep Singh Jhaj to The Kalgidhar Trust for the Noble cause of imparting quality education.

The inauguration ceremony observed presence of several social, religious personalities, who honored Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, for his commendable work and relentless efforts, especially at such age of 89 years.

Whilst addressing the guests, Babaji also mentioned about the “Guru Ki Kashi – Akal University” being constructed at Damdama Sahib – Talwandi Sabo Ki , which undertakes the noble task of bringing to reality the 4th Blessing of Gobind Singh Ji (The 10th Master); where he appealed everyone to support and contribute for the Great Noble Endeavor.

Babaji expressed to the audience that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is an ‘Epitome of Inter-Faith’ and our community has remained unsuccessful in spreading the awareness about this noble truth which can bring universal unity amongst people of all faiths whilst explaining that the foremost objective of Guru Ki Kashi would be to translate Guru Granth Sahib into all the languages of the world, so that the proclaimed message of brotherhood can be propagated.

~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 14th Nov ’13


Baba Iqbal Singh Ji Recognized as World’s 5th Most Powerful Sikh by U.K. Directory Report

Baba Iqbal Singh Ji of Baru Sahib, has been listed as the world’s 5th most powerful, influential and contemporary Sikh, according to the 1st edition of the Annual ‘The Sikh 100’  Report published by Sikh Directory U.K. (London). The issued list is the world’s first comprehensive ranking of the most powerful, influential and contemporary Sikhs in the world. The report is based […]

Baba Iqbal Singh Ji of Baru Sahib, has been listed as the world’s 5th most powerful, influential and contemporary Sikh, according to the 1st edition of the Annual ‘The Sikh 100’  Report published by Sikh Directory U.K. (London).


The issued list is the world’s first comprehensive ranking of the most powerful, influential and contemporary Sikhs in the world.

The report is based on in-depth analysis & study upon criteria & findings of several factors including – 7 type of Powers, Position, Influence, Effectiveness, Conduct,  Relations, Capabilities, Rights, Honors & Awards Received.

Navbharat Times
Navbharat Times

Very few people know that Iqbal Singh Ji, more popularly known as Babaji amongst the Sikh Community, now 89 yrs young, is the Founder & the President of The KalgidharTrust/Society, a Charitable Organization that runs 129 school strong, Akal Group of Value-Based Education Schools/Academies & Universities for Rural & Under-privileged in North India.  He is an M.Sc. and retired as Director Agriculture of Himachal Pradesh.

Also, at the age when most people take retirement, Baba Ji has embarked himself upon the noble task of building rural Schools to fight Drug Abuse in Punjab and bringing up the ‘Guru Ki Kashi – Akal University’ at Talwandi Sabo to bring to reality, the 4th Prophecy of the 10th Master Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji, after 307 years have elapsed.

~ Ramandeep Singh
~ New Delhi, 12th Nov ’13

Book Reviews – Drug Addiction, Edited by: Dr. (Col.) Rajinder Singh

Book Reviews – Drug Addiction, Edited by: Dr. (Col.) Rajinder Singh Publisher: The Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib Pages: 208, Price: Rs. 150/-, Year: 2012   “Apart from providing statistics, various chapters in this volume look at assorted aspects of drug addiction and alcoholism, including the causes and sources of supply of such substances, and endeavour […]

Book Reviews – Drug Addiction, Edited by: Dr. (Col.) Rajinder Singh

Publisher: The Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib

Pages: 208, Price: Rs. 150/-, Year: 2012


  • “Apart from providing statistics, various chapters in this volume look at assorted aspects of drug addiction and alcoholism, including the causes and sources of supply of such substances, and endeavour to suggest viable methods for fighting the menace. The research done is both extensive and intensive. There are many articles, both in English and Punjabi, included in this volume that should be of interest to law enforcers, rehabilitation experts and researchers, apart from the general public.”
    Randeep Wadehra, The Tribune


  • “Salient aspects of drug addiction are well covered as regards its prevalence, origin and perpetuation. The devastating effects of the addiction of various types be it alcohol, opioids or heroin are well described. The effects of addiction on personality of the addict, his family, social, professional and economic status are covered in detail…………The book should prove useful as an important introduction for the curious reader, family members of addicts, as well as general practitioners in understanding and managing addicts in their care.”
    Dr. B.N.S. Walia, MD, FRCPCH (Lond.) FAMS, Director (Retd.), PGIMER,   Chandigarh
  • “Drug addiction is a complete book covering all its aspects………The write-ups have been contributed by the authors having clinical acumen and practical experience of managing cases of drug addiction…………The abused substances detailed out in the book are nicotine, alcohol,   opioids (top three), cannabis, benzodiazepines, antihistaminics, cocaine etc. The book is meant to be read and understood by medical and paramedical staff i.e. counselors, nursing staff and members of the NGOs involved in the treatment of these cases. The book is strongly recommended for those, who are involved in the care of the drug addicts.”
    Dr. M L Bansal, Current Medical Journal of India Vol XVIII No. 4
  • “Dr. Rajinder Singh’s book Drug Addiction is well researched and reflects his knowledge and expertise in the field of psychiatric and addiction problem in India in general and more specifically in the state of Punjab… This book is so explicit and well documented that it can be used to educate the professionals, students and Non-Governmental Organizations working in this field……..It strongly recommends that detox ought to be done under the vigilance of a medical professionals, trained in addictionologists. ”
    Dr. Satinder Brar, Eternal Voice, Vol.4 No.2


  • “The book is a guide for doctors, counselors and social workers engaged in the fight to kill the demon of addiction. Even if an addict patient is motivated to go through this book it can work wonders.………………….Good print, lucidity of language, elegant get up and rich contents make this book highly readable and useful. This book the need of shelves of every library and desk of the doctor, social worker, and counselor.”
    Kartar Singh Goshti, Abstracts of Sikh Studies, Vol XIV, Issue 3


  •  “The articles (In this book) have been written by various trained in addiction experts.……..The contents of each and every write-up reveal the hard work, dedication and struggles of the respective authors with the addiction patients. The book aims to provide information regarding all aspects of substance related disorders.”
    Soch Di Shakti (Punjabi Monthly) July 2012
  • “Drug Addiction is a book with a difference. The contributors suggest a simple and pragmatic approach to deal with drug addiction. They are of the opinion that it is the lack of spiritual values in modern life, along with other factors, which is one of the primary causes of drug addiction. In Spiritual Intelligence and Addiction, and Incorporating Spiritual Concepts in Drug Addiction Dr. ( Col.) Rajinder Singh et al, rightly reiterate that spiritual orientation of addicts along with effective medication is vital for drug-management.…………..  It is, perhaps, for this reason that both the English and Punjabi sections of Drug Addiction are followed by compilations of thoughts and ideas from saints, savants, philosophers and enlightened men.………Drug Addiction is, in brief, a thought-provoking book, with an undoubted social significance. It carries an important message, that is, the urgency to control drugs and other addictions with collective efforts from the Government, NGO’s, social activists, religious and educational and charitable trusts.”

            Lakhmir Singh, Eternal Voice Vol. 4 No. 4


For any Information Call – Dr. (Col.) Rajinder Singh  – +91 9876712054

To Order the book call  Cheema Sahib, De-Addiction Center at :+91 9872910756. +91 9872910256
Or mail us  – adac.cheema@gmail.com