Flight Safety is his Dream! – The Rainbow is in his reach

Today we are bringing to you the success story of an Aircraft Engineer belonging to village Cheema, Punjab, a man who now makes sure that a lot of us people fly safe out there.

So far he has served as an Aircraft Engineer  with two companies namely Pawan Helicoptor (Mumbai) & is currently working with Global Vectra HeliCorp Ltd. since last 6 months. He passed from Akal Academy in 2007 with flying colors and there is no looking back for him. Students like him are an inspiration!

Flight Safety is his Dream! Born in a typical farmer family, Sandeep Singh grew up in conditions no a typical from others at his village. In an exclusive interview with us we learnt about his journey from drug-ridden village atmosphere to his present day city life.  How he managed to reach the milestone where he is standing right now feeling all proud and content. He is working for a reputed helicopter making company as an Air-craft engineer, keeping a check on the maintenance of Air-Choppers ensuring flight safety.

Sandeep recalls about his childhood with his fascination about air-planes & helicopters he used to curiously watch like most of the kids, but revealed that it’s the gift of education that his grieved farmer father could barely afford amid financial crunch & family dispute over lands that still prevails.

“Everything connects like dots that somehow shaped up my affinity to aerial crafts into reality as a career at this point, from getting inclined towards schooling at Akal Academy luckily, staying clean off from the drug menace that kept most of the youth drained & wasted, to being able to explore my brain at school, getting enough marks,helped me in pursuing Aircraft maintenance at university in Patiala and help me shape my wings to fly ahead.” says, Sandeep,  developed a strong belief in his religion as he grew up with  Akal Academy, Cheema.

Some of the interesting things we came to know about Sandeep while talking to him.

Q) Tell us about your family & support?
A) If there is one person who motivated me all through and helped me with the missing motivation in me, is my father. Facing the similar situations like any other farmer about which you read in newspapers, my father never ever made me feel what he was going through. I know how he managed to afford my studies amidst the turmoil all around him. He is the same till now, doing good for others and keeping me away from the family disputes.

Q) How true are the reports about drug abuse they talk about in villages of Punjab?
A) It is a sad reality and can be seen very much prevalent even today. I find situation no better if not worse than before sinceI spend my  vacations with the family here in the village.Akal Academy till now is the only school I see in the village. Other than this there is no safe haven at the village levels even after all these years. Akal Academy is a blessing for all in my village for more reasons than one.

Q) Who have been your mentors/teachers or people who guided you to the right path?
A)  Like I said, my father has my life support and my school  principal Renu Goyal, who I think played a wonderful role in motivating students explicating importance & need of education & values had a deep impact on me.

Q) How different do you feel about yourself now, compared to life you saw & lived then?
A) I feel lucky to have been able to level up myself with education “Je pardey na te pind vich odan hi reh jaandey, baar di duniya na dekh sakni si, na pata lagna si kade kuch, mainu sab ton vaddi khusi ehi lagdi hai”

Q) What change do you wish to see or bring in the society, especially at village?
A) Awareness & understanding is lacking, one reason for which I feel we find lot of kids not taking up schools. Having spent time at village now,I realize that they know about education & its importance up to some extent,  thanks to media but the subtle problem I see is lack of guidance & awareness of opportunities after schooling. A lot of youth find no meaning in life after schooling, & eventually, in no time they fall back into the web of village life perplexities. So I try my best at  the individual level to counsel them as much & as many young people I come in contact with.

Q) Any message for other students & youth at village?
A) Put yourself into studies while you have time since farming is losing its ground, concentrate more on getting good marks, once you have it with you, you will find a gateway to a world of interesting & never-before seen opportunities welcoming you at your doorstep. Sports also are a good option, even commercially, if you get yourself really good at any. Akal Academy is workingon the talents that we have at schools. The school is well equipped with the facilities to bring out talent and nurture students. Wait and watch!

Q) Any message for Parents at villages?
A) Pay attention towards educating your children, opportunities don’t differentiate between a girl ora boy, so educate them both equally. Most importantly, it’s the call of the hour to understand the importance of spirituality & religion, they shape up your life in the best way,ensure ” ki tusi ya tuhade bache kisi vi dhongi saadhaan de chakar vich na paon te dhyan sirf hor sirf Guru Granth Sahib de dikhaye rastey te rakho is naal positive thinking te success milegi”.

Keep reading and stay updated with such talents, from Akal Academy right here!

Wish to support children living in adversities and still dreaming about a bright future?

Sponsor a child for education – www.DeedaDay.in

To supoort for Social Development – www.BaruSahib.org

Wings of Desire – Breaking the Norms and Shinning Outright

When the time is right,

The efforts shine bright and

Bigger the aspirations,

Better is the way forward.

Amandeep KaurWhen I was born to the family of mine, I had no idea what was in store for me in this amazing world called ‘life’. Being a girl child from a not – well to do family, I could imagine myself behind the social norms that would confine me to my home doing household work with my aspirations and aim in life stay buried deep inside me.

But destiny had different plans for me. I was the chosen one, I was the one who was given a chance to live my dream and taste what success is like. The Kalgidhar Trust through AIRWE Baru Sahib picked me up, helped me grow each day spiritually and mentally. It was not easy for me to adapt to the good things that were happening to me, I fought a fight within me, a fight with my conscience that said I will not excel, the fight with myself to prove who I am, the fight to reach out to my ultimate goal.

The further I was going, the brighter I could see myself living my dream. The desire in me to excel, to not be just another name, pushed me to join Baru Sahib. From that very day, I experienced what a blessed child would have. I feel blessed and possess the power to have a say in whatever I do, I am the decision maker. I too was bound with the social evils, but I let them go and took a hand in hand with Akal Academy. Now, I have learnt how to fight for what is right for me. I don’t look back to where I was; I take inspiration from where I am and plan for where I will be. I am being groomed to be a teacher and this is where I am looking forward across the fence where I am working for the rural education and bringing in a positive change. I am here to excel and I dream for a better and brighter world ahead.

~ Deeksha Singh,
~ New Delhi, 30th Aug 2013

Akal Academy, Bharyal Lahri Students Plug into the Green Drive

In the light of teachings of being spiritual and of eternal values, Akal Academies yet again played a pivotal role in making students feel ecstatic and help work for a noble cause. In an event organized by Department of Forestry Punjab, Akal Academy, Bhariyal Lehri, motivated its students to participate in the Punjab Greening Mission to do their bit in saving environment and to promote greenery.

Pathankot DC Mr. Sibin C. and DFO Mr. Mahavir Singh alongwith school principals, teachers and students participated in the event and planted over 300 trees imparting the knowledge as to how to preserve the nature and work for the betterment of the Nation as a whole. “It is really heartwarming to see these kids and the planted trees grow together, both providing much needed solace to the society”, said Principal Mrs. Jasbeer Kaur Sandhu on the occasion.

Positivity afloat across Akal Academy, thus afloat the air of change.

Treading on a winner’s track

Amandeep Kaur

Many of us must have heard of the phrase ‘make your own history’, which advocates us to “go do something of our own” and that ‘something’ implies an effort or an accomplishment for which we will be remembered for ages. Ever since we learn that, we get on en route to discover that special “something”  in search for that special effort that would help stay in the pages of the history we will leave behind us. Years through, we keep trying to discover ourselves; going places, meeting endless people, shedding all we can to get there., But somewhere in our quest, we land up blindly following the footsteps of others, losing our own identity, without even ever realizing it.

The context above is in reference to someone, who is no different from all of us, in fact less privileged, or for that matter, even misfortunate by birth.. On my recent tour to baru sahib during my internship, i across a student, Amandeep Kaur. A sprightly young girl from village Bhamma Badi, Sangrur, which is a predominantly rural area in the southern part of Punjab.

Born to Gurmeet Singh, a petty-jobs worker who always struggled with strained resources to meet both ends, Amandeep grew up helping her mother tide over  expenses doing  household work for her family and for others in the neighborhood too. Torn between thoughts of reality & her desires, Amandeep’s her faith in God helped her keep moving in life  with a a hope for a better tomorrow.. She turned out into a full-of-energy youthful countenance and now beholds a fine personality. Her challenges seemed endless within the village environment to realize her silent dreams. But, as if guided by providence, she kept on honing her subtle-skills of sincerity, hard work, ability, knowledge to live through those dreams in real to set Her goals & self-determination did wonders & brought her a long distance.

I was stupefied and amazed when I interacted with her. This coy and soft-spoken girl literally swept me of my feet with her delicate and sober conduct. It felt peaceful serene to be around, she was swift, sensible & her talks carried substance & depth that is nowhere found in city-life, she was indeed “a Life” in herself.

Amandeep grabbed her lifetime opportunity when she learnt of the Free Teachers Training program being conducted by The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib. It was with help of her friend and got her application filled and applied, after prolonged discussions for approval of her parents. She recalls , “I sold them my dreams and I was fortunate that my parents realized my aspirations wherein my happiness resided”. Amandeep today is in her 2nd year (English enhancement) at Akal Institute of Rural Women Empowerment Baru Sahib; after having successfully completed her first year foundation course. She is gearing up simultaneously to appear for her 12th Board exams. Many a heads turned when she scored an exceptional 86% in Maths during her Terminals. “It wasn’t as easy at is sounds” tells us Amandeep; she struggled with an eye ailment that took a year to subside

Aman possesses good pickup skills & her prime interests are in science and social studies. Besides academics, she takes keen interest at other creative activities at school including stage plays.Amongst colleages she is known as a  and she has left her mark as a reserved personality & a patient  listener who give an ear ofrespect to everyone’s  opinion., maintaining her calm and poise.

Amandeep surprised quite a few Teachers recently when she proudly wrote two books named “ Prince and the Princess ” & “Me and my Quilt”. Given her limited knowledge of English language or skills to communicate, her work was much liked & appreciated by her teachers,s he was the star of her batch for having produced these books.
Amandeep’s approach to life provides us a critical reminder,  that, in the race of life winner is the one who does not look back or upon other’s track but the one who keeps moving forward, watching his own pace, focusing the finishing line as his own exclusive. She believes she has to do a lot to improve herself, & her confidence and presentation capabilities affirm she will be a successful woman who works hard towards turning her dreams into reality. Her trainers believe that once she completes her course and is employed as a Teacher, her job will not only help herself but also her family in stepping to a better world.
Commendable is the spirit of unknown sponsorers like Amandeep’s education, who discreetly serve the nation & humanity in true sense. . Maybe it is people like her who are blessed souls that share their riches and generosity to bring smiles on scores of deprived girls like Amandeep.

~ Ramandeep Singh, Student
~ New Delhi, 21st Aug 2013