OMG! I am totally shocked!! This is insane – Most of us are VITAMIN-D DEFICIENT???? I never knew the KILLER WAS IN MY HOME! Thank God, this video opened my eyes! Let the knowledge spread! A new Epidemic has silently enveloped our lives This is quite a controversial subject. Watch on and decide for yourself. […]

OMG! I am totally shocked!!

This is insane – Most of us are VITAMIN-D DEFICIENT????
I never knew the KILLER WAS IN MY HOME!

Thank God, this video opened my eyes!

Let the knowledge spread!

A new Epidemic has silently enveloped our lives
This is quite a controversial subject. Watch on and decide for yourself.

It is estimated that 80 % of urban Indian population
is deficient in Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) in the country.

Recent reports suggest “8 out of 10 people in Delhi suffer from vitamin D deficiency”

The strongest probable cause is RO Water
Yes! RO Water

A WHO Report reveals disturbing facts
In HEALTH RISKS FROM DRINKING DEMINERALISED WATER By Frantisek Kozisek, National Institute of Public Health Czech Republic

WHO says “In search for clean drinking water, we remove many essential minerals from water” RO Water actually causes health problems

WHO also released a report, after analysing hundreds of scientific studies stating that RO water “has a definite adverse influence on the animal and human organism.”

A similar study was published in Medical Journal Armed Forces India
Demineralization of drinking water: Is it prudent? by Col. K.C. Verma and Lt Col. A.S. Kushwaha

Czech and Slovak health regulators were aghast when health complaints of acute magnesium and calcium deficiency were reported within weeks of RO Water being used in home-taps in 2000

RO Water is mineral hungry
RO Water wants to bond to everything, and it will take the minerals where it can — like in your food & body When it is consumed it extracts minerals from your body
Calcium (Vitamin-D) and Magnesium (the Calming mineral) get removed from your body
by RO Water

Scientists further studied that “this mineral loss was not compensated by our diets……RO water was responsible for an increased elimination of minerals from the body.”
Consumption of RO water leads to the dilution of the electrolytes dissolved in the body water.

The minerals being consumed in food and vitamins by you, are being urinated away

Deficiency in Calcium leads to
Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Depression, Mood Swings, Irritability
Bone Loss, Hair Loss,

Deficiency in Magnesium leads to
Diabetes, Fatigue, Cramps, Insomnia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and osteoporosis.

A number of scientific studies are published on this:
RO Water may be associated with higher risk of fracture in children
(Verd Vallespir et al. 1992),
Can cause Depression & certain neurodegenerative diseases (Jacqmin et al. 1994),
Pre-term birth and low weight at birth (Yang et al. 2002)
Some types of cancer (Yang et al. 1997; Yang et al. 1998).
In addition to an increased risk of sudden death (Eisenberg 1992; Bernardi et al. 1995; Garzon and Eisenberg 1998),
Intake of RO water seems to be associated with a higher risk of motor neuronal disease (Iwami et al. 1994),
pregnancy disorders (so-called preeclampsia) (Melles & Kiss 1992)

Recent epidemiological studies suggest that RO water may be a risk factor for
Hypertension, Depression, coronary heart disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers
chronic gastritis, goitre, pregnancy complications and several complications in newborns and infants, including jaundice, anemia, fractures and growth disorders.

Our ancestors used to feed on water
Now, RO Water feeds on us

Time to wake-up
RO Water with 50-100 TDS is bad for health

Please consume Water with 300 to 400 TDS only

or adjust your RO Water Machine to provide water with 300-400 TDS

Issued in Public Interest